Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)
Committee Chair
Gayle Casterline
Healthcare is a rapidly changing and continuously advancing field. Currently, virtual care technology (e-ICU) is moving into many rural healthcare facilities in an effort to improve patient care outcomes and bridge physician and nursing shortages. The purpose of this Masters of Science thesis is to determine the impact that electronic telemedicine has on the quality of nursing care at the bedside. The study done by Mullen-Fortino et al. (2012) in an urban academic center was replicated to compare the bedside nurses’ perception of ICU telemedicine in a rural hospital setting. Thirty-eight rural ICU nurses working with ICU telemedicine responded to the study questionnaire. Overall results showed that ICU nurses in a rural care center and urban academic care center had the same positive opinions of the e-ICU, and felt that telemedicine is beneficial to patient care, positive outcomes, and improved satisfaction. Efforts to improve collaboration and communication between bedside and e-ICU staff will improve care. The results of this research can help with expanding telemedicine programs into other rural hospitals by assisting in the management of communication between bedside and e-ICU staff.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Citation Information
Parker, Susan, "Bedside Nurses' Perceptions of Intensive Care Unit Telemedicine in a Rural Setting" (2016). Nursing Theses and Capstone Projects. 240.