"Staff Nurses’ Perception of Standardized Bedside Shift Report and Safe" by Lara Scarborough

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

Committee Chair

Brittany Graham


This study was conducted to explore a group of Medical-Surgical staff nurses’ perception of a unit-based procedure change, which included implementation of a standardized bedside shift report with a comprehensive safety assessment. The goal was to gain insight from the staff nurses via a qualitative survey to provide data for nurse leaders to examine common perception themes associated with implementation of bedside shift report with a standardized safety assessment. Themes derived from data analysis indicated that nurses perceived bedside shift report to increase patient safety but felt that some nurses were not willingly participating in bedside shift report. Staff nurses indicated that nurse leaders should consistently remind them about utilizing key words and evaluate their performance of the bedside shift report with safety assessment during observations. Implications for nurse leaders based on findings from the research suggested the importance of consistency and clear expectations of what is expected.

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