Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Committee Chair

Yvonne Smith


Drug overdose, especially from opioids, is a global problem which has stretched across all racial, generational, and socio-economical groups. Millions of people have been affected on a personal or professional basis by the emotional, physical, and financial impacts of this crisis. There is a critical need to provide support for public health awareness and education on opioid overdose prevention. Worldwide, federal, state and grassroot initiatives have been implemented to help reduce harm from opioid use. The goal of this scholarly project was to prepare Associate Degree nursing students with the requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes to manage opioid overdose within community settings and provide education on opioid overdose prevention to members of the community. The educational intervention consisted of classroom lecture and two low-fidelity simulations. A convenience sample of 34 senior nursing students participated in a pretest posttest design to evaluate the efficacy of the educational intervention. Study results indicated the use of classroom lecture and low-fidelity simulations were an effective educational intervention for preparing nursing students to manage opioid overdose within community settings and providing education on opioid overdose prevention to community members.

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