Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

Committee Chair

Reimund Serafica


The Nurse Manager role is a crucial part of the healthcare delivery system in an acute care facility, particularly in the current wave of healthcare reform. These are unprecedented times for nursing leadership as they develop and move in a new direction. The role of Nurse Manager is complex with numerous studies including: past roles, characteristics, innovation, outcome, education, and advancement. This study observed the role through the point of view of the Nurse Manager. The Nurse Managers participated in a survey in which they ranked themselves on a one to five scale, with one being a novice in the role and five being an expert based on Patricia Benner's Novice to Expert Theory. The Nurse Managers ranked themselves in 11 categories in the management role. The results in each category were utilized. In conclusion, the Nurse Manager role is one that is evolving with high expectations. In order to become an innovative leader in healthcare reform, Nurse Managers must feel they have the confidence and ability to lead the nursing profession forward.

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