Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Committee Chair

Mary Knowlton


Human patient simulation is an innovative teaching strategy that can facilitate practice development and preparation for entry into today's healthcare environment for nursing students. Unfortunately, the use of human patient simulation has been limited due to the perceptions of nursing faculty members. This project sought to explore those perceptions using the Theory of Planned Behavior attributes of attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral controls. A two phase project explored the use of an educational workshop intervention to change faculty perceptions and potentially improve intent to use human patient simulation by the nursing faculty. While the educational workshop intervention demonstrated statistically significant improvement in the area of attitudes, there were no significant improvements of subjective norm or perceived behavioral controls. However, it is important to note there were improvements in all three attributes between the pre-intervention and post-intervention surveys. This project also was unable to find a single statistically significant attribute that contributed to the intent to use human patient simulation by the participants, indicating a combination of all the attributes may be the predicting source. The use of an educational workshop does improve components of each attribute, which may improve intent to use human patient simulation according to the Theory of Planned Behavior.

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