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Meredith Rowe


Coronavirus 19 or COVID-19 is a spherical, enveloped virus that causes a lower respiratory tract infection with symptoms including pneumonia, fever, and difficulty breathing (Ochani et al., 2021). This virus caused a global pandemic that infected millions of people and killed over a million people. The aim of this literature review is to examine how the social-distance mandates and quarantines affected various aspects of child and adolescent life and development. This review examines language and speech impairment, behavioral changes/challenges, academic performance, mental health (specifically depression and anxiety), child abuse and neglect, and student-athlete experiences. The results found that language and speech impairment, behavioral changes, mental health, and student-athlete experiences all got worse during the social-distancing and quarantine mandates that came out of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the data showed that academic performance and child abuse/neglect got better during the pandemic. Improvement in academic performance could be since all assignments were online, it was easier to cheat and look up the answers. Improvement in child abuse/neglect was not because there was less abuse/neglect but rather the cases were going unreported due to lack of contact with professionals (educators or healthcare workers). Support services like increased access to therapist and school/academic support can help to correct the negative impacts caused by the pandemic. A limitation of this review is that all the research was short-term data since the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects are so new. Future research on this topic would be long-term studies looking at the long-term effects of the social-distancing and quarantine mandates.

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