"Mr. Brown Can MOO(ve)...Can You? (Make Our Organization Viable Electro" by Stephanie McCabe

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This session will provide participants with an understanding of the importance of curriculum leaders who are willing to innovate through technology for the future of their organ-zations. Using the work of Michael Fullan, Eric Schlesinger, and James Spillane, among others, we will inquire into the uses of social media (i.e., Twitter, Facebook, Instagram), Web 2.0 apps (i.e. podcasts, VoiceThreads, Animoto, Padlet, Edmodo), as well as collaborative online tools (i.e. Google Drive, Dropbox, blogging platforms). We will explore how these tools not only help leaders disseminate important information for our particular communities, as well as stay up-to-date with research, but also to give a focus for the digital footprint we want to create for ourselves and organizations.



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