"Teacher Perceptions on the Impact of Changes in Educational Practices " by Laine Smith

Date of Award

Summer 2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Sara Newell


The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted educational practices around the world, changed the instructional interface of the classroom and impacted student learning. The purpose of this research study was to identify teacher perceptions of this change, understand how teachers addressed those changes in the classroom, and determine what teachers saw as the next best steps to address student learning disparities going forward.

A mixed methods approach was used to conduct this research. Participants who completed the survey and/or mini focus groups were teachers in County X during the 2019-2022 school years. A thematic analysis was conducted for each mini focus group, quantitative survey data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and a Chi Square Independence test, and qualitative survey responses were analyzed using both inductive and deductive coding. Triangulation of the survey data and mini focus group data showed how the mini focus group data supported the findings from the survey data.

Teacher perceptions of the changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic included a negative impact on student behavior, mental health, learning gaps, student skills, and dependency on technology. Teacher perceptions also revealed positive changes in teaching practices, technology integration and home to school communication. Teachers believed funding of intervention programs for academics and mental health as well as an increase of support positions was essential to supporting students moving forward.

This study provided baseline data for changes that have occurred, identified areas of innovation, and gave insight into the face-to-face classroom following virtual and hybrid learning models widely used during the COVID-19 pandemic. The information gained from this study provided guidance for administration should an unexpected change event occur again. Understanding the lessons we learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, the principles of change theory stages of concern, and common educational practices, this research provided a roadmap to better deal with change events.

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