"Growing Sustainable Quality Dual Language Immersion Programs: The Impa" by Vera Woolard

Date of Award

Summer 2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Dale Lamb


As principals take the lead on planning, implementing, and ensuring the sustainability of their dual language immersion (DLI) programs, there is extant literature on the appropriate actions for conducting such work. However, there is a lack of research on principal preparedness and training for those leading bilingual education programs, specifically DLI programs. This mixed methods study explored specific leadership behaviors and/or practices necessary for program preparation as well as the internal and/or external support and professional development that is paramount for principals to lead and maintain successful and sustainable DLI programs. Subsequently, the study was designed to help identify key factors (components) in supporting DLI program sustainability and provided guidance on how to address such factors. Three questions guided the inquiry of the study: (a) What specific leadership behaviors and/or practices should principals possess in sustaining DLI programs; (b) What internal and/or external support and training are needed for principals to sustain quality DLI programs; and (c) How do the internal and/or external support and training impact principals? As a result of this study, a professional growth plan has been produced as a means of building a principal’s capacity in leading a sustainable quality DLI program. A recommendation list of dispositional (task and relationship behaviors) best practices has been developed as a means of further strengthening a principal’s ability to lead and maintain sustainable immersion programs.

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