"Third- Through Fifth-Grade Males and the Reading Gap: Factors That Aid" by Tina Alexander

Date of Award

Spring 2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Ben Williams


The study was designed to provide key factors that impact male reading gaps in relation to females using a quantitative approach. K-5 teachers and reading specialists were given a survey on reading and how it pertains to males and reading. The surveys consisted of the importance of reading, reading efficacy, reading avoidance, reading challenges, recognition for reading, social reasons for reading, reading curiosity, reading for grades, compliance, and competition in reading. I analyzed the perceptions of K-5 teachers and reading specialists as they relate to males and their reading gaps in relation to female students in a small school district. Some of the contributing factors were environmental, physical activity, motivation, reading selections, and behavioral engagement. The analysis collected from the surveys revealed that some of the contributing factors were motivation, reading selections, classroom behavior, and parent involvement. After analyzing all the data and gaining perspectives from the K-5 teacher survey and the reading specialist survey, I was able to compile a list of recommendations that can help improve the reading gaps between male and female students.

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