"Distinctiveness in Hospital Safety and Security" by Jimmy Reid Rollins Jr.

Date of Award

Summer 2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Dale Lamb


The purpose of this research was to understand leadership and how these ideas feed into a professional dynamic of employee behavior, organizational leadership, motivation, and workplace culture, and how there is a real human interest as employees excel, grow, mature, and become better individuals.

Participants in this study were employees of a regional health organization and employed with the job title of public safety officer, public safety supervisor, or public safety administrator. This research used a mixed methodology approach in an explanatory design. A survey was completed followed by one on one interviews.

Conducting research into the safety and security group at a private hospital yielded valuable data that identified: some best practices around employee satisfaction and employee retention; which ultimately improved patient care and guided organizational policy and strategy.

Overall, the findings of these research questions provided insight that significantly improved both the working conditions for hospital staff and the care provided to patients. By improving the quality of care, enhancing employee satisfaction and productivity the institution's overall reputation was bolstered throughout the communities served.

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