"A Phenomonenological Study to Assess the Attributes of Military Vetera" by Paul C. Riggs

Date of Award

Fall 2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

David Pearce


This study was a phenomenological mixed methods research project that assessed the attributes of military veterans who enter the field of education as classroom teachers. The purpose of the study was to identify strengths that were acquired through military training and experience that transfer well into a career in teaching. The study also sought to identify transitional issues that were a challenge for military veterans transitioning into teaching. By better understanding these issues, leaders in education can better support these professionals as they attempt to retain them in the profession. Additionally, the research can serve as a tool for recruiting military veterans into teaching as they separate from military service. Quantitative data were gathered from 26 volunteers through an anonymous survey that assessed the perceived self-efficacy of military veterans as it related to their levels of comfort in different areas of teaching. Qualitative information was then gathered from 10 volunteers who participated in a virtual interview that asked veterans to reflect on the survey and make connections between their answers and the preparation they received through their experiences in the military. Despite some outlying responses, the survey indicated that military veterans felt a high level of comfort with all areas of teaching that were assessed on the survey. Additional correlations were made during the interviews attributing veteran success in the classroom to their experiences in the military due to high standards of professionalism, working with a diverse group of people, team building experience, serving as instructors, and leadership experience.

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