"Examination of AIG Teachers’ CogAT Test Preparation Practices in one N" by Charlton Kurt Hiatt

Date of Award

Fall 2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Jennifer Putnam

Committee Co-Chair (if applicable)

Sydney Brown


This mixed methods study focused on gifted education screening practices in North Carolina. Specific focus was on the practice of universal screenings using the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) and test preparation measures conducted by one school district. The study collected and analyzed data from regular elementary education and elementary AIG teachers regarding test preparation lessons and materials. The study then narrowed to interview participants to further examine the lessons. This study found that both sets of teachers agreed that test preparation for students was necessary to increase equity and address the persistence of underrepresented subgroups identified as AIG in LEA-1. Findings included a high degree of lesson plan implementation with inconsistent teacher deliveries. Mixed reviews regarding teacher perceptions of the lessons were documented. The need for increased district-initiated communication regarding AIG program goals regarding the pre-CogAT lessons was found. Last, an analysis of the lessons revealed the need for updates and modifications in order to provide equitable CogAT preparation and address underrepresentation problems.

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