"Responsive Classroom: A Mixed Methods Study of the Impact on Academic " by Amy Hildenbrand

Date of Award

Spring 2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Karen Sumner


In a single-year mixed methods explanatory study, the researcher sought to determine the impact the Responsive Classroom approach had on student achievement and social skills. The participating elementary school had 14 teachers and two administrators voluntarily participate in the 4-day Responsive Classroom training. The school used the train-the-trainer model, and the participating teachers and administrators brought the training to all other staff for the school-wide implementation of the Responsive Classroom approach. At the end of the year, the researcher analyzed student achievement data to look for any statistically significant changes as measured from the non-implementation year to the year with implementation. A pre/posttest analysis was conducted for discipline for the implementation year and non-implementation year. A teacher survey and a semi-structured interview of the administrative team were conducted post-quantitative data review in an explanatory manner. The academic growth was not statistically significant at the school level; however, the administrators attested that they observed great academic growth when there was fidelity to the approach. There was a significant decrease in discipline events. Overall, the Responsive Classroom was effective for enhancing the social behaviors of the kindergarten through fifth-grade students as evidenced by the discipline data, teacher surveys, and administrative interviews.

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