"A Quantitative Study on the Effect Restorative Practices Has on Studen" by Angela Harding

Date of Award

Summer 2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

William Stone


This study aimed to understand the impact restorative practices (RP) has on student discipline. Additionally, this study intended to understand teacher perspectives on the effect RP has in the classroom as a management system. The overarching research sought to answer, “What is the impact of RP on classroom management, teacher perception, student discipline, and teacher-student relationships?” Individuals’ beliefs have a powerful impact on practice. Moreover, the study aimed to ascertain how educators can better understand what RP is and how it fosters safe learning environments through community building and constructive conflict resolution. The findings from this quantitative study indicated that RP positively impacts student discipline as the percent of in-school suspension and out-of-school suspension decreased significantly after the implementations. Additionally, disproportional discipline gaps were identified among Black male and female students as well as among Hispanic males. Moreover, the finding from my quantitative study supports that teachers perceive RP positively as a management system. Therefore, if implemented with fidelity and if teachers are provided training, RP could positively impact student discipline at their school.

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