"The Relationship of Career and Technical Student Organizations to Coll" by Brenda Haynes

Date of Award

Summer 2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Kathi Gibson


Many schools are waking up to the reality that students need programs that will keep them alert and ready for their next level in life. Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) are the co-curricular programs associated with every career and technical education course and promise to offer opportunities for a peek into the real world. This study examined the relationship of CTSOs to college and career readiness. Career and technical education is oftentimes overlooked. Qualitative data were collected in the form of interviews of former high school students who were CTSO participants and teachers who were advisors of CTSOs. This research study is grounded in the theory of constructivism. The qualitative data can be used to show the relationship career and technical student organizations can have while preparing students for college and/or careers. The data clearly showed that all six students believed that participating in their selective CTSO caused them to be ready for their selected career and/or college. The teachers offered their praise and pride of being a part of helping the students achieve their goals.

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