"Perceptions of Co-teaching in Secondary Inclusion Classrooms" by Tori Hill

Date of Award

Spring 2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Katherine Propst


This study examined secondary teacher and administrator perceptions of co-teaching practices as they relate to preservice and in-service training. In this mixed-methods study, general education math and English teachers and special education teachers in three suburban high schools were given a survey to provide input regarding co-teaching practices in their school/district. The survey results were analyzed to determine trends of variables relating to teacher perceptions. Additionally, interviews with four administrators (three schools and one district) were conducted to correlate expectations, strengths and weaknesses, and training with the results of the teacher survey. Multiple themes emerged, which included collaboration/planning, administrative support, volunteer/willingness, training/professional development, and relationship/trust. The results of the study showed teacher preparation programs were not consistent in providing a foundation on teaching students with disabilities, and there are weaknesses in professional development for successful co-teaching practices. Analyses of both survey and interview data provide insight into co-teaching in math and English classrooms and identify possible implications for the district’s co-teaching practices.

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