Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Kelly Taylor Clark


This correlational study was conducted to determine the relationship between two measures of teacher effectiveness in a southeastern state in the United States. The state utilizes a teacher evaluation instrument that rates teachers based on principal observations on five standards. Additionally, a sixth standard is populated with data from a value-added model that measures a teacher’s impact on student learning based on student achievement on standardized tests. This study aimed to compare methods used to assess quality teaching. As the teacher has the greatest impact on student achievement, educational agencies and districts have focused efforts on improving teacher performance. However, there currently is not a single instrument that stakeholders agree would quickly and accurately assess teacher effectiveness, necessitating the investigation of evaluation systems and processes for identifying effective teaching.

Research was collected in a large, urban school district in the state to determine the relationship between the two measures within the context of a single school district. The value-added data and the state teacher evaluation instrument data were analyzed among the teachers of tested subjects in Grades 4-12 in the school district to determine if there was a correlation between the ratings provided by each of the measures. Spearman’s rank-order coefficient was used to analyze the relationship between scores. The results demonstrated were negligible to weak correlations between the teacher evaluation instrument standards and EVAAS scores. Limitations, recommendations, and implications for future research were included with the findings.

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