"A Case Study of the Impact of PBIS at Smith Elementary" by Amber Halliburton

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Sydney Brown


This dissertation was designed to examine and assess the impact of a Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) program on student behaviors, academic environment, and the total school environment. The study examined and assessed the impact of PBIS on student suspensions, student attendance, and student interactions. Additionally, this study examined the impact of the academic achievement of students and teachers’ instructional delivery time. This study examined the school-wide rules and expectations, school safety, communication, and the school’s response to student positive behaviors. The study took place at a rural elementary school in western North Carolina. The school successfully completed implementation of PBIS approximately six years ago.

This program evaluation utilized a QUAN-qual mixed-methods case study approach in order to collect and analyze data to develop a conclusion about the impact of PBIS. Multiple instruments were used to provide quantitative data. Quantitative data were collected from PBIS, attendance records, North Carolina end-of-grade tests, the North Carolina Teacher Working Condition Survey, and surveys created by the researcher for students and teachers. Demographic information from the school was collected from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction School Report Card Page. Qualitative data were collected through focus groups and interviews of the teachers at Smith Elementary (a pseudonym). Quantitative and qualitative data were examined to determine the impact of PBIS on student behaviors, the academic environment, and the total school environment. By combining quantitative and qualitative data, the researcher was able to provide a holistic understanding of PBIS and its impact at the selected site.

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