"The Evaluation of Impact the South Carolina System for Teacher and Stu" by Andrew Hooker

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Doug Eury


Education is continually looking for ways to increase student achievement. This is appropriate because the goal of education is to increase student achievement. Student achievement has continued to be unpredictable throughout the country due to the many factors which present themselves throughout the educational process.

The purpose of this dissertation was to look at a specific professional development model, South Carolina System for Teacher and Student Advancement (SCTAP), to measure the impact this model had on teacher dispositions. The following research question guided this study: To what extent does the SCTAP professional development model impact teacher disposition within the following: Empathy, Positive View of Others, Positive View of Self, Authenticity, and Meaningful Purpose?

The researcher used a survey, a focus group, and interviews with the faculty to answer the research question. Participants for this study included school administrators and teachers. These data were analyzed individually for trends. These data methods were also triangulated for trends. The data were shared in frequency tables which included both cumulative and percentages of each disposition. Each of the dispositions described by Usher, Usher, and Usher (2003) was addressed, and evidence from the study was provided as to what impact each of these dispositions had on the teachers in the study. An explanation of how these beliefs could impact teacher dispositions was given along with the impact of how teacher dispositions could influence student achievement. Additionally, the impact of future research on teacher dispositions was provided.

An analysis of the data showed the area of the SCTAP professional development model which most impacted these attributes of a teacher's disposition was cluster. Meaningful purpose was the attribute of a teacher's disposition which was most impacted by each of the three areas of the SCTAP professional development model.

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