"A Mixed-Methods Program Evaluation of Two Middle School Mathematics In" by Angela Hines

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Jennifer Putnam


The purpose of this study was to conduct a program evaluation of two mathematics intervention programs, Transmath and Vmath, in order to discover whether students who are exposed to the intervention programs will show growth in their mathematics performance. The effectiveness of the programs was measured quantitatively by collecting a pre and postassessment score using Moby Max and qualitatively regarding the implementation and effectiveness of the two programs by conducting classroom observations and teacher interviews.

The literature in this study identifies the connection between RTI, tiered intervention, mathematics intervention, and program implementation fidelity. The current literature contains a great deal of information on mathematics programs and how they help raise achievement scores on standardized testing; however, little literature is available comparing the use of mathematics programs and the amount of growth produced. Knowing that there is a gap in the research as to mathematics intervention programs and how they help raise achievement scores, this study aimed to address the following overarching research question: How effective are the Transmath and Vmath programs when used as an intervention strategy for struggling middle grade math students?

This study is significant in that it presents findings related to the effectiveness of the Transmath and Vmath interventions and the relationship between academic growth as measured by Moby Max and program implementation and teacher perception. Information from this program evaluation offers insight into which mathematics intervention program will result in the most achievement growth for middle school students.

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