"Examining the Effects of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt's READ 180 Program " by Amanda Michelle Cox

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Jim Palermo


The purpose of this study was to determine if improving reading achievement through Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s (HMH) READ 180 program impacted a student’s reading self-efficacy. Of the students participating in this study, particular attention was placed on the factors of gender, ethnicity, and the length of time students were exposed to HMH’s READ 180 program.

The setting for this research was three middle schools in upstate South Carolina. The schools sampled were from a combination of urban, suburban, and rural populations. The study’s methodology was quantitative and correlational.

When reviewing the results of the study, the research indicated that there was a statistically significant effect on the factor of ethnicity concerning STAR Reading Grade Equivalent scores. It was also determined that there was a statistical significance concerning the STAR Reading Lexile scores and the factors of ethnicity and time. Concerning reading self-efficacy, there was statistical significance found in the area of process concerning time. Additionally, statistical significance was found in the areas of social feedback and physiological status concerning ethnicity. Also, a correlation was found between the Reading Inventory and STAR Reading Grade Equivalent score as well as between the student achievement scores and three of the four areas from the Reader Self-Perception Scale 2 (RSPS2).

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