"Improving Reading: A Case Study of the Accelerated Reader Program" by Tammy K. Waters

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

David Shellman


Fidelity of program implementation of the Accelerated Reader (AR) program in relation to fourth-grade students’ achievement in reading was investigated. The relationship among students’ motivation to read, the role of parental support, and the reading success of students as measured by the fourth-grade end-of-grade reading test was also examined. Implementation fidelity of the AR program was determined through researcher observations and completion of an AR Implementation Checklist by participating teachers. Motivation to read was determined by administration of the ERAS to fourth-grade students. Parental support was measured through use of a parent survey and a teacher perceptions survey. Principals and the district English language arts curriculum coordinator were interviewed to determine expectations. Reading EOG scores for third and fourth grades for the same students were examined to determine growth in reading proficiency. The results indicated that there was no significant relationship among fidelity of program implementation, motivation to read, parental support, AR scores, and EOG reading test scores.

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