"Factors Influencing Teachers’ Technology Self-Efficacy" by Aaron Slutsky

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Sydney Brown


This mixed-method research study was designed to expand the knowledge of teachers’ technology self-efficacy as it relates to integrating technology in the classroom. This study examined teachers’ levels of technology self-efficacy, identified specific factors affecting their current level, and examined the role and impact professional learning opportunities have on levels of technology self-efficacy.

The researcher utilized the Computer Technology Integration Survey to identify technology self-efficacy levels of teachers at two middle schools and one high school. Participants were then selected to participate in personal interviews and/or focus groups. Interviews and focus groups were coded using open coding. Results were triangulated with a document analysis.

The common themes that emerged from this study were based on 21 interviews and three focus groups. Research revealed that identified factors could be categorized into two major groups, internal work-related factors and external personal factors. Internal work-related factors that support the teachers’ integration of technology included school and district staff and school culture. Peer teachers emerged as a support and barrier. Connectivity and technical glitches were identified as barriers. External personal factors included people, social media, smartphones, and reading. All were identified as supports. The themes that emerged can be impacted by professional learning opportunities which may lead to enhanced student outcomes.

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