"All the World's a Stage...The Effect of Reader's Theater on the Readin" by Cheryl Lynn Parker

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Kelly Clark


Second-grade students of the targeted school were performing below a level of proficiency in reading fluency and comprehension. Many students were reluctant to read. This dissertation is designed to study the effects of Reader’s Theater on the reading fluency rates, comprehension scores, and attitudes of second-grade readers. The purpose of this study was to determine to what extent using Reader’s Theater affects the reading fluency rates, comprehension levels, and attitudes of second-grade readers, thus answering the question, “To what extent does the use of Reader’s Theater affect the fluency rates, comprehension levels, and attitudes towards reading of second-grade readers?”

The findings of the study showed that the improvements made in student fluency rates and comprehension levels after participating in Reader’s Theater were not statistically significant. Student and teacher interviews revealed that students enjoyed Reader’s Theater and wanted to continue the program.

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