"Connected Classroom: A Program Evaluation of the Professional Developm" by Kelly James Grant

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Sheila Quinn


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of the first year of a multi-year, district-wide professional development program for teachers that accompanied a one-toone Apple device rollout for all students. A mixed-method research design was used to perform a logic model of program evaluation. Teacher self-reported proficiency in basic device usage, student productivity, student multimedia usage, and academic communication were gathered before the professional development program began and collected again at the 1-year mark. Data from both administrations were analyzed to determine the impact of professional development on teacher self-reported proficiency of technology integration. The researcher collected qualitative data during focus groups on the perceived barriers to professional learning and supportive conditions that allowed teachers to benefit from the professional development sessions offered by the district.

This study found that teachers benefited from the professional development sessions offered by the district as part of their one-to-one technology initiative. Statistically significant gains were found in all measured areas of teacher self-reported instructional proficiency and 12 of 16 areas of mobile device proficiency. This study also highlights differences in teacher proficiency across various demographic categories.

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