"On the Move: A Mixed-Methods Study to Examine the Impact of Kinestheti" by Natalie Boone

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Karen Sumner


Kinesthetic learning tables, which incorporate movement, are innovative alternatives to traditional desks. The tables provide movement with bicycle pedals, balance seats, ski swings, cross lateralization, and elliptical, all while students are seated or standing. It is time to investigate whether incorporating movement within the classroom could impact student behavior and academic performance.

The goal of this study was to examine the impact kinesthetic learning tables on student on-task behavior and academic growth with an emphasis on reading skills. The study considered the effectiveness of interventions implemented in one first-grade and one fourth-grade classroom based on current research on brain-based learning as it applies to education. The focus was primarily on the processes within the program, concentrating on the impact kinesthetic learning tables had on measures of reading skills as well as the impact kinesthetic learning tables had on student classroom on-task behaviors. The study incorporated a variety of data collection methods, both qualitative and quantitative, including behavior observations, monitoring of reading grades, and teacher interviews with focus groups.

A major conclusion that can be drawn from this study was that kinesthetic learning tables have a greater impact on fourth-grade students. There was a statistically significant impact on fourth-grade reading scores as well as on-task student behaviors in the fourth grade. Additional results of this study are explored and recommendations for future research are presented.

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