"The Perceived Impact of Professional Learning Communities on Collectiv" by Katie Thompson Bailey

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

John Balls


The purpose of this study was to examine the perceived impact of professional learning communities (PLCs) on collective teacher efficacy in two rural western North Carolina school districts. The theoretical framework for this study began with the assumption that there was a direct linkage between PLCs and collective teacher efficacy.

The Professional Learning Communities Assessment-Revised (PLCA-R) survey instrument was utilized to collect data in two rural western North Carolina school districts. An elementary, middle, and high school from each district were involved in the study. Through the use of the PLCA-R, 95 total responses were obtained. In an attempt to triangulate the data to ensure validity and reliability, interview and focus-group sessions were conducted. At the conclusion of data collection, the data were analyzed using descriptive techniques.

According to the results of this study, the six identified dimensions on the PLCA-R have a positive impact on collective teacher efficacy at all levels, especially at the elementary level. The researcher recommends that teachers and administrators within both districts continue educating themselves on the PLC concept and improving their PLCs’ practices.

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