"An Evaluation Study of a Principal Preparation Program at a Southeaste" by Heather A. Benfield

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Steven Bingham


The historical principal-teacher role has expanded and evolved to the modern-day comprehensive, executive leader. Institutions of higher education ideally respond by matriculating leaders who meet the demands ofschools and the complex role of the administrator. The purpose of this study was three fold: to explore the degree of alignment with programmatic processes in a redesigned Master of School Administration (MSA) to the current North Carolina Standards for School Executives (NCSSE), to evaluate the degree of implementation fidelity of programmatic processes, and to explore the extent to which differences surface in cohort member experiences of programmatic components.

The study addressed whether or not the study site's program leaders delivered their overarching goals within the redesigned MSA. The theoretical framework was that principal preparation programs aligned to NCSSE produce ready-to-lead candidates for school administration positions. Archival, survey, and interview data were used for document analysis and grounded theory methodologies.

Results for each research question are provided. Results include the principal preparation program aligns to NCSSE at the study site, the programmatic processes are implemented with fidelity, and the extent to which differences surface in cohort member experiences of programmatic components is related to fidelity of programactors and district partnerships. Recommendations include focusing on improved alignment with standards, enhancing faculty professional development, and strengthening partnerships between the School of Education and districts.

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