"Project Achieve: A Literacy Program for Excellence" by Deitra Johnson

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

John Balls


The South Carolina 2013 PASS and HSAP scores indicate students in third through eighth and eleventh grades were below national averages, the achievement gap between subgroups were increasing, and the infusion of STEMs education will encourage student interest. In this project, The Read to Succeed program was incentivizing quarterly after each STAR Reading literacy assessment. The challenge with low-poverty, low-achieving students is student efficacy. The program’s goal was to develop student efficacy in our school. The South Carolina state curriculum was utilized with the infusion of literacy across the curriculum and STEMs education. Educators established relationships with students focusing on creating a positive learning environment, stimulating student learning, and promoting a positive school culture through clubs and social organizations. The 2016-2017 preliminary results based on the STAR growth results indicate that the sixth-grade students decreased the scale score by 11% points; seventh-grade students increased by 14% points; finally, the eighth-grade students remained the same.

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