"Enhancing School Programs to Support Transient Students" by Tiffany R. Lyles

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Steven Bingham


Over the past 5 years, the effects between student achievement and student mobility have increased within the urban communities and school settings across the nation. When analyzing the proficiency levels of students in Grades 3-8, Westerly Hills Academy continues to receive a below average school rating based on North Carolina state requirements. Year after year, Westerly Hills Academy deemed to improve the overall proficiency of the school, yet it was not until 2015 when it became more prevalent that the increase of academic deficiencies stemmed from a population of students within the school setting. This group of students was not based upon ethnicity but solely upon their mobility level. Student mobility, also known as transient students, tends to include any occurrence of students changing schools for reasons other than grade promotions within the same fiscal school year. With Westerly Hills Academy’s population of transient students on the rise, there was a strong need for a plan to be implemented to help this population of students.

The purpose of this project was to plan and determine various avenues and/or support systems that could be implemented to support the transient student population at Westerly Hills Academy. Through examining this population, it was revealed that there were various areas in need of support such as academics, behavior management, and parent involvement. To address these three needs, the project provided academic support through an extended day learning program, instilled a behavior management system to encourage positive behaviors, and established a policy to enhance parent involvement within an academic setting. With these support systems in place, the expectation is for the transient population to improve their academic achievement gaps and utilize various techniques to manage behaviors and mannerisms.

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