"Eury Value-Added Experience Model: A Case Study on the Collective Lear" by Timothy Merrell Reed

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Doug Eury


This dissertation was designed to test the Eury Value-Added Experience Model as a theoretical model to measure and evaluate the collective learning culture of a school organization. The Eury Value-Added Experience Model is based upon five domains of the theoretical model: (1) dispositions, (2) professional experiences, (3) structure, (4) shared decision making, and (5) assessment and reflection skills. This mixed-method case study used the five domains to focus on the collective learning culture of a suburban middle school in the western region of the State of North Carolina. Limited research exists on the use of the Eury Value-Added Experience Model as a means to measure and evaluate the collective learning culture of an organization.

The researcher in this study acquired quantitative data from the 33 participants in this study by using a web-based survey. The Eury Value-Added Experience Model Survey (Reed, 2012) and the Gill (2009) Organizational Learning Culture Assessment Survey were used to acquire empirical data from the 33 participants at the research site. In the qualitative phases of this mixed-methods research study, the researcher employed a questionnaire instrument and two focus-group sessions to acquire detailed narratives on the collective learning culture of the research site. The researcher used the quantitative and qualitative data to conduct a statistical analysis to determine the relationship of the five domains of the Eury Value-Added Experience Model on the collective learning culture of the organization.

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