"Ignite-ISM: Building an International Student Management Program to Im" by Hazim Naser Almomani

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Jeffrey Hamilton


The project aimed to discover an effective way to serve the international students who were already enrolled at a university in the southeastern United States and to provide a unique strategy for recruiting international students. In addition, this project aimed to improve online services as well as provide new services that could help international students in their engagement in the university community. This project is a map for a university to build a strong foundation in both marketing and serving incoming students. Ignite-ISM is a program that supports a new vision in the process of recruiting international students. The project was divided into three phases:

Phase 1: Improving the existing services or creating new services.

Phase 2: International marketing: What a university should do to attract international students.

Phase 3: Evaluations: How the project can be improved.

The project used the existing data and the information that was collected in a special survey distributed to the international students who were already enrolled at a university in the southeastern United States. From this, I gathered data that could be used to build a marketing strategy for prospective students. One of the central outcomes of Ignite-ISM is a recommendation to build an ESL program at the university, especially in urban areas to serve as a new resource for recruiting international students who decide to continue their education. Furthermore, the project built a link between international students and the university as a tool for the marketing by using social media to monitor engagement of the students who are already enrolled.

Ignite-ISM is a way to make the international student population satisfied with being at the university. By creating satisfaction in the campus community through care, respect, and love, Ignite-ISM built a unique strategy to engage students with the university community.

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