"A Nonprofit Board Development Plan for the Cleveland County Abuse Prev" by Barbara Bass Romich

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Jeffrey Hamilton


The purpose of this consultancy was to assist in the transformation of the Cleveland County Abuse Prevention Council (CCAPC) from a director-led organization (governance model) to a board-directed (support model) organization through the development of an active, effective Board of Directors . The mission of CCAPC is, “to serve as a bridge between being a victim to becoming a survivor of domestic violence, sexual assault and homelessness through the provision of safe shelter, advocacy, support services, and preventive education.” After 4 years of securing grants, loans, and private donations through a “Building Hope capital campaign,” CCAPC was poised to break ground on a new facility that would house both the administrative staff and shelter residents in one location. In the fall of 2016, the Board of Directors was faced with dwindling Board membership and no plan for raising the funds needed to finish the interiors and furnish the new facility. Recognizing that grants rarely cover interior finishes or furniture, the Board of Directors embarked on a “Building Hope Phase II” campaign to raise the funds needed. Based on data derived from the Casey Foundation’s Nonprofit Board Capacity Survey and a SWOT analysis, CCAPC created a strategic plan for its Board of Directors. Utilizing a board development model that emphasized active, involved members who focused on resource development beyond grants and government funds, the Board shifted from a “policy” governance board to an effective, “support” board that assisted in fundraising and served as ambassadors to the community (Masaoka, 2011). The goal was to develop an effective Board of Directors that would create a strategic plan for the long-term financial and programmatic sustainability of the organization. This was accomplished through the creation of active board committees focused on adding new members (nominating committee), community awareness (communications committee), and resource development (fundraising committee). Over a 24-month period, the CCAPC Board expanded from seven active members to 17 members; created a new website, logo, letterhead, and capital campaign documents; and expanded funding resources beyond state and federal grants by $230,000 to complete Phase II of the capital campaign. The new CCAPC facility opened in June 2018.

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