"Creating Tomorrow’s Leaders: Examining Teacher Perceptions of a System" by Pascale Glenn


Pascale Glenn

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Stephen Laws


The purpose of this study was to examine the perception of teachers using a systems approach in two rural schools in a district in North Carolina using a qualitative approach. In this district, a systems approach is also referred to as Continuous Classroom Improvement (CCI). The theoretical framework within which the study was grounded revolved around three constructs. The first construct was school culture; the second construct was the concept of Total Quality Management (TQM); and the third construct was the use of Plan, Do, Study, Act. Information was collected in a natural setting. The qualitative data gathered from the interviews were utilized to find the themes and patterns that were used to describe the perceptions of teachers. The findings were represented and organized by each research question to answer the overarching purpose which emerged under each research question. The perception of teachers indicated that instructional strategies, reflections, student ownership, and growth played a huge part in setting learning goals in the systems approach. Resulting from an in-depth analysis of the data, the implications for practice include the continual professional development of teachers in the systems approach to enhance the sustainability of CCI. To avoid compromising the fidelity of implementation of a system approach, continuous coaching and feedback are needed in order to support principals and teachers. School districts benefit from CCI because it supports the ongoing and sustained professional development of teachers for improvement and helps ensure success for students and schools.

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