"The Impact of Instructional Rounds Professional Development on Teacher" by Melessa B. Widener

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Stephen Laws


The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of instructional rounds professional development on teacher self-efficacy. The scope of this study was a qualitative case study including interviews with teachers who had participated in instructional rounds professional development in a rural district in the foothills of North Carolina. The methodology included interviews with two teacher leaders from all elementary schools implementing Responsiveness to Instruction (RtI) and teachers at the Early College who participated in instructional rounds professional learning through the New Schools Project. The findings include teachers' quotes from the transcriptions of the interviews as supporting the research found in the literature on high-quality professional development, teacher self-efficacy, and instructional rounds. The conclusion reached was that teacher self-efficacy was positively impacted through participation in instructional rounds professional development. Limitations of this study included the researcher acted as the interviewer; the researcher was personally involved in the professional learning, and the interview participants' inabilities to articulate component by component regarding instructional rounds as opposed to discussing the instructional rounds professional development as an entire process. This study contributes information which could be useful for district and school administrators when planning for high-quality professional learning for continuous school improvement.

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