"The Impact of Board Certified Teachers on Student Achievement" by Cassandra Yellock Dobson

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Stephen Laws


This research study explored the relationship that exists between National Board certified teachers (NBCTs) and the reading achievement of students in third through fifth grade in comparison to non-NBCTs as measured by EVAAS growth data. Additional research questions analyzed which elements contained in the five core propositions participants perceive to be the most effective in contributing to student achievement in comparing perceptions of NBCTs and non-NBCTs. In contrast to data in other studies reviewed for this research, the results of this study signify that there is no significant difference in reading growth between students who are taught by NBCTs and students who are taught by non-NBCTs. NBCTs and non-NBCTs demonstrated an alignment of perceptions on student impact for the majority of the practices indicated in the five core propositions of the National Board Professional Teaching Standards. The EVAAS comparison data and the focused interviews were utilized, analyzed, and summarized in order to obtain insight into the comparison of NBCTs’ and non-NBCTs’ achievement growth impact and the perceptions of practices contained in the five core propositions on the impact on student achievement.

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