"A Case Study of a Business-Education Partnership through Internships" by Dana Blue Chavis

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Jeffery Isenhour


Economic and demographic shifts are disturbed due to high school and collegiate dropout rates as well as discrepancies in scholastic achievement. This shift in the labor market has caused policymakers, educators, and employers to seek answers for how the knowledge and training of scholars can boost their skills to make them college, career, and life ready. Internships are resurfacing as an extra educational appeal that might bridge the gap between the knowledge and work, once these are aligned with the values and expectations of the major key players (scholars, employers, and educators) with the substantive support of policymakers. The purpose of this study was to engage the stakeholders (scholars, educators, and employers) who are involved in the internship program to gain a better understanding of how each stakeholder involved works together to prepare scholars with the relevant college, career, and life readiness skills. The contributors included businesses, interns, and educators who were included in the internship process and the program. The primary research questions supporting this study were “What are the experiences of the stakeholders in the program,” and “How are internships used to prepare high school scholars to be college and career ready?”

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