"Effectiveness of the Career and College Promise Program in Increasing " by Ashley Paris Day

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Jennifer Putnam


This study addressed the effectiveness of the North Carolina Career and College Promise (NCCCP) program using Conley’s (2010) framework for college readiness in determining and promoting college readiness for students participating in the program at a rural North Carolina community college. An explanatory sequential mixed methods design was used in this study. Phase I involved quantitative data collection and analysis from existing statistical data in the form of NCCCP student final course grades (n=886), general education math common assessment scores (n=98), and CCP student (n=27) and instructor (n=9) responses to perception college readiness surveys. The quantitative data analysis was followed by Phase II of the study; an instructor focus group convened to explore themes emerging from the quantitative data. Through analysis of data collected, the results showed that CCP students scored significantly higher than non-CCP students in final course grades and MAT 152 common assessment scores. There was no significant difference in MAT 143 common assessment scores between the two groups. This study found no significant differences in perception of college readiness between CCP and non-CCP student (n=13) groups; however, CCP instructors rated their students significantly lower in terms of college readiness than CCP students rated themselves. Common themes identified from the CCP instructor focus group included lack of depth in writing, deficiencies in reading comprehension, poor critical thinking skills, and lack of academic skills such as time management and communication. Dual enrollment programs have been identified as one means of increasing student college readiness (Bailey & Karp, 2003) and thus creating seamless pathways from the secondary schools to postsecondary institutions. Based on this study’s findings, the NCCCP program is effective at this rural western North Carolina community college in determining and promoting college readiness.

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