"An Analysis of the Personal and Behavioral Health Impact of a Hybrid D" by Matthew Davis


Matthew Davis

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Kelly Clark


This dissertation, with roots in Cognitive Restructuring Model and Circle of Courage® Model, was designed as a phenomenological qualitative study that gathered the perspective of former students who were enrolled in a specific hybrid day treatment program model. These students were all involved in a day treatment program model in a rural town in western North Carolina. The study specifically evaluated how this experience affected the students in terms of future choices and behaviors. These students participated in individual interviews and data were coded through the use of the ATLAS.ti and SPSS software programs. Through coding and analysis, themes were determined and examined for depth. The research evaluated 18 participants ranging in age from 14-19 discussing the impact of the hybrid treatment program (HTP) program. The participants were asked their view of success related to three areas: intrapersonal view, behavioral impact, and personal impact of the HTP. The research used three areas to evaluate participant perceptions: Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale, a one-on-one interview, and behavioral data from participants’ current or last-attended schools.

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