"The Impact of the Summarization/Paraphrasing Strategy, Frayer Model, a" by Yolanda Janiece Reilly

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

David Shellman


This mixed-methods research examined student achievement in reading comprehension as measured by the North Carolina End-of-Grade Test for Reading Comprehension, and specific reading strategies (Frayer Model & Summarization/Paraphrasing strategy) in Grades 6–8 classrooms. The purpose of this research was to determine if a difference exists in student reading comprehension achievement between students instructed using the Frayer Model and students instructed using the Summarizing/Paraphrasing strategy, when used with fidelity, and which reading strategy students found to be more engaging between the Frayer Model and Summarization/Paraphrasing strategy. Engagement is a major factor in education that impacts achievement in the classroom as well as outside the classroom (Dotterer & Lowe, 2011). Maximizing school engagement can improve a student’s level of student achievement (Dotterer & Lowe, 2011). This study sought to add to the body of knowledge surrounding student achievement and student engagement. The relationships between the variables of student achievement, student engagement, reading theory, and reading strategies were examined. Student achievement was measured by the North Carolina End-of-Grade Test for Reading Comprehension and student engagement was measured by the Van Amburgh Active Learning Inventory Tool. In order to analyze quantitative data, the Hartley test for equal variance, summary t tests, and independent samples tests were used. Qualitative data were collected using the results of the Van Amburgh Active Learning Inventory Tool and the results of the Student Survey. The quantitative and qualitative data were compared in order to draw conclusions. The study concluded that there were varying correlations between grade levels with student achievement and the reading strategies of the Frayer Model and Summarization/ Paraphrasing strategy. In student achievement, reading scores were significantly higher in sixth- and seventh-grade students who were taught using the Frayer Model, whereas eighth-grade students who were taught the two strategies did not have significance between their scores. When looking at student engagement, students taught with the Summarization/Paraphrasing strategy were more engaged but did not score as high on the North Carolina End-of-Grade Test for Reading Comprehension.

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