"A Comparative Study of the Impact of Title I Literacy Instruction on R" by Jill Starnes Payne

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

David Shellman


Student Achievement and Growth launched a new intervention model to be implemented in a district in North Carolina. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of a specifically defined literacy instructional model, Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI), on K-2 reading achievement as measured by the Text Reading and Comprehension (TRC) component of mClass: Reading 3D. A student’s ability to read can be impacted by many things including school readiness, teacher expertise, student home environment, student school environment, and the instruction provided. The problem in this study is that regardless of social status, race, or gender, an alarming number of students face difficulties in learning to read. Our educational system has a responsibility to decrease the gap in reading proficiency in order to maximize the number of students who graduate from high school and become productive members in our society. The setting of this study included four elementary schools in a rural county in North Carolina. Participants were selected based on their beginning-of-year (BOY) TRC score and were grouped according to the Literacy Instructional Model used to provide their instruction: (1) pre-LLI group and (2) LLI group. Once served, this study analyzed the historical data comparing the classifications to determine the impact, if any, that LLI had on K-2 reading achievement and growth as measured by the TRC BOY to end of year (EOY). The study also compared student attendance and growth seeking to find any correlations that existed. The researcher collected TRC data to compare classifications for growth and achievement. An analysis of the data suggests that LLI provides stable and consistent growth but no higher than when compared to instruction without LLI. Achievement levels are higher for students served through the LLI instruction model. These findings can be used by educational leaders in districts for planning and program selection to help guide their decisions in order to ensure that students and teachers are provided the most effective means for instruction.

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