"The Perceived Association of Merit Pay and Teacher Qualities in Two Mi" by John Daniel Balls

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Doug Eury


This dissertation determined the perceived association of merit pay and teacher qualities in the sample schools. The research focused on the association of merit pay and levels of teacher qualities and if a relationship exists between teacher performance-based compensation and teacher qualities/performance.

The indications and suggestions of this research were based on the data collected from surveys and interviews of teachers in the two sample schools on performance pay plans. This component of the study identified any perceived association of merit pay and teacher qualities. This information was corroborated with research collected on studies done on school systems that have adopted merit pay plans. Information was obtained from multi-question surveys from middle school teachers, open-ended questions, and interviews.

The results of this research indicated that there was a perceived association of merit pay and teacher qualities in these two sample middle schools. This association may lead to increased teacher efficacy and, ultimately, increased student achievement.

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