"A Mixed-Method Case Study on the Impact of Career Academies on Student" by Jessica Thompson Perry

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Doug Eury


The purpose of this case study was to examine the impact of career academies on student dispositions, behaviors, and self-efficacy at three high schools within the coastal plain region of east central North Carolina. This mixed-method case study used program structures as well as teacher and administrator perceptions to estimate the effects of career academies on student academic dispositions, learning behaviors, and educational self-efficacy with greater accuracy. The researcher developed a Career Academy Questionnaire to assess the perceived impact of the teachers and administrators on the career academies’ impact on student dispositions, behaviors, and self-efficacy. The quantitative data consisted of the career academy teacher and administrator perceptions and program structures. The qualitative data consisted of teacher and administrator interviews. The researcher calculated the frequency of Likert scale intervals; calculated the mean score for each teacher and administrator based on their ratings of the Likert scale items; and compared the relationship between the career academy and the impact on student dispositions, behaviors, and self-efficacy.

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