"The Reading Strategies/Skills within the North Carolina RtA Summer Rea" by Leroy Leon Wray

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

David Shellman


This dissertation was designed to examine the reading strategies within the North Carolina Read to Achieve (RtA) Program summer reading camp and the achievement low socioeconomic elementary students made in reading during summer camp. The study was from a K-12 school and measured by the RtA Program. The study looked at third-grade students located in the urban piedmont area of North Carolina. It looked at reading strategies used during the North Carolina RtA Program summer reading camp and sought to determine if there are reading gains or losses of students who attended the North Carolina RtA summer reading camp. The three research questions that guided the evaluation and findings were (a) is there a difference in reading achievement scores for all students prior to attending the summer reading camp and after attending the summer reading camp as measured by RtA; (b) what strategies/skills within RtA impacted achievement scores for students who attended the summer reading camp; and (c) is there a difference in reading attitude after attending the summer reading camp? This mixed-methods study conducted in an urban area of North Carolina involved four data collection instruments. RtA assessment data answered Research Question 1. For Research Question 2, the researcher interviewed summer reading teachers and examined student portfolios for the strategies that were used during the RtA Program and summer camp. Last, the researcher used the Adolescent Motivation to Read Survey. An analysis of the data revealed that the school participating in this research study is not providing enough support to students who are not proficient in reading. The teachers utilized a number of different whole and small group reading programs and materials often in a combination during classroom literacy instruction. The RtA camp lacked consistency and continuity in providing effective reading practices and materials to students. There was no significant relationship between motivation of the third-grade students who were surveyed and their reading achievement on the RtA assessment. Students who scored poorly on the RtA assessment did not have lower scores on the reading motivation questionnaire which looks at their value of reading and their attitude toward reading.

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