"Student Perceptions of Teacher Cultural Sensitivity and its Impact on " by Mandalinn Marie Browning

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Mary Beth Roth


The study examined if there is an association between student perceptions of teacher cultural sensitivity and its impact on student academic achievement. The researcher was looking to determine if there are any correlations between what teachers and students perceive as culturally sensitive teaching. The researcher administered a teacher and student cultural sensitivity survey to determine what each of them saw as the characteristics of a culturally sensitive teacher. These findings were then analyzed to determine if having or not having these characteristics was a factor in student academic achievement. The study took place in a high school with tenth graders taking English II during the spring semester of 2016. The reason it was in an English II class was because all students are required to take this class to graduate, and it would produce the closest depiction of the actual student population of the school. The findings indicate that there are some positive relationships between teacher perceptions and student academic success. Even with some positive relationships, there still are not enough data to determine if this is an accurate portrayal of the research questions. The researcher was unable to determine a true association between teacher and student perceptions of teacher cultural sensitivity and its relationship to academic success. Future researchers looking into this study may want to consider having a more diverse teacher population to determine if there are any correlations between gender, race, or other cultural differences and the academic performance of students. Another recommendation for further research would be to determine if there are any relationships between student perceptions of teacher cultural sensitivity and academic achievement based on student gender, ethnicity, achievement levels, and SES.

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