"Administrator Perceptions of Their Preparedness to Lead Digital Learni" by Kristin L. Edwards

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Laura Boyles


With the rapid increase in device usage in classrooms, it is imperative that administrators know and understand pedagogical principles within digitally rich environments. This qualitative study sought to understand administrator preparedness for leading digital learning initiatives in the areas of observing, modeling, and offering constructive feedback in digitally rich environments. The Principals Technology Leadership Assessment (PTLA) and focus groups were used to conduct the research. A chi-square goodness of fit was used to compare the responses of the PTLA to the original PTLA study. Focus group results were analyzed for emerging themes. Gaps were identified as indicated by the ISTE-A standards for administrators in the following areas: (a) visionary leadership, (b) digital-age learning culture, (c) systemic improvement, and (d) digital citizenship. Focus groups results revealed three emerging themes: (a) administrators rely on the instructional technology facilitator (ITF) to model instructional strategies for improving technology-pedagogical practices, (b) administrators use a district provided walkthrough protocol for providing feedback, and (c) local professional development efforts have impacted administrator preparedness to provide feedback regarding technology integration. The researcher concluded that administrator preparedness to lead digital learning relates to positive interactions and support from the ITF and is positively impacted by professional development. Recommendations for further research include updating the PTLA to include the North Carolina Digital Learning Competencies, review of a district provided walkthrough protocol for providing feedback to teachers, and studies to determine the effectiveness of the ITF related to the amount of time they serve in the school.

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