"A Grounded Theory Exploration of Teacher Grading Practices" by Ingrid Rockhead

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Phillip Rapp


An examination of the history of grading reveals that many of the problems associated with current traditional grading practices are not new. Despite impassioned pleas from researchers and grading experts, practices such as assigning zeros on a percentage grading scale, assigning grades for practice such as homework and classwork while students are still learning, using the mean to report on students’ overall grades, and not allowing reassessments continue to occur. The purpose of this qualitative study was to describe and report on Title I teachers’ grading practices and explain using grounded theory methods, the influences on those practices. This study sought to explore the various influences on teacher grading practices and understand the causes for teachers’ reluctance to modernize their grading practices. The study found that traditional grading practices are still commonplace in classrooms and that these practices are heavily influenced by the existing district and school policies that are in place.

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