"Identifiable Factors That Influence Teacher Retention in Four Title I " by Adair Blanton McKay

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Bruce Boyles


Student success has suffered a great deal and continues to suffer in the Title I middle school setting. Staffing problems in these schools account for part of the cause. This study examined four Title I middle schools that experience difficulty retaining teachers. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (2016), between 2011-2012 and 2012-2013, approximately 8% of teachers moved, another 8% of teachers left the profession, and approximately 84% of teachers stayed at the same school. The percentage of movers from high-poverty schools is double that of movers from low-poverty schools. The goal of this study was to serve as a capacity-building tool for district leaders and school-based administrators. Quantitative and qualitative methods were employed to collect data from teachers at the targeted middle schools in the form of a Job Satisfaction Survey and a focus group. Data were analyzed to draw comparisons between responses to the survey and themes that emerged in the focus group discussion. Findings include the importance of self-efficacy, support of colleagues, and support of administration. The primary finding is that administrative support is the overarching factor influencing teacher retention in these Title I middle schools.

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