"The Impact of Graduation Coaches' Relationship Building Strategies on " by Rick Strickland

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Jim Palermo


This qualitative phenomenological research was designed to explore the relationships established by graduation coaches and the students they serve. The research that was conducted in two upstate South Carolina schools explored the perceptions and experiences of both the graduation coaches and the students who participated in the study. The study was conducted using a phenomenological research design to capture the essence of each participant’s experiences and perceptions. Data were collected utilizing surveys, interviews, and field observations. The researcher did not participate in the interaction between the graduation coaches and their students. The results of the data collection revealed themes and supporting areas that provided insight into the experiences and perceptions of each participant resulting in a relationship that developed over time between the graduation coach and the students. Key themes that emerged were frequency of contact, quality of the relationship, and self-efficacy. These themes along with the supporting areas demonstrated that both the graduation coaches and students in the study perceived a positive relationship with each other with beneficial outcomes for the students.

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